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How to Navigate Dealing With A Narcissistic Ex/Coparent with Nisanka Wickramarachchi

Nisanka is a Trauma Aware Life Coach, a Holistic Practitioner, a mother, a poet, a writer and a trauma. She helps parents who parent with a narcissistic partner or ex to preserve sanity, take their life back and support their children. 

Nisanka’s experience of growing up in highly narcissistic environments and later being in  narcissistic relationships led her to reflect on her own life at a point when she was severely depressed and suffering from C-PTSD.  Since then, she has been healing from her inner child wounds and narcissistic abuse to build a thriving life for her and her daughter. 

She’s  worked in the field of education for almost 20 years before she became a Life Coach, Advanced EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. She  holds a Diploma in NLP. She is a DISC Facilitator and is qualified to work with Narcissism and Domestic Violence. She’s other qualifications include MA, BA, CELTA, EYT, Diploma in Teaching and Diploma in Montessori Teaching.

Connect with Nisanka:
Freebie – (Starter Kit for those who parent with a narcissistic partner or ex)
Facebook Group 

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Alicia Krasko Stepmom Coach Stepmom help Stepmom support Stepmom advice

Hey, I'm Alicia!

Obsessed with helping Stepmoms gain confidence, set boundaries, and navigate this wild role.

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