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Your stepmom bestie and coach-all in one!


Alicia Krasko Stepmom Coach Stepmom help Stepmom support Stepmom advice

There are several Stepmom Coaches you could go to, but you’re here with me? Smart move.

I went from googling “how to get divorce” on the regular to loving my stepkids so much I wasn’t sure I wanted them to leave. That’s wild, right?

I talk fast and infuse humor to deliver (soften) hard truths.. I don’t shy away from hard conversations, but I’ve learned to handle them with grace and humor and I want to teach you to do the same. It’s not all funny here, I will hold space for you if your eyes start “sweating” during a coaching call. It’s hard working being a stepmom, right?

With me, you’ll have an outside perspective on your situation and the validation you’ve been longing for. You aren’t crazy, it’s just that (almost?) no one in your story can see what’s going on.

I tailor my coaching to your specific needs/struggles, because you don’t need another generic piece of advice “helping you.” You need real, honest, and actionable advice. #relatable.

If you’re  struggling with the lack of control, frustration of having “all of the responsibility, but none of the authority”, and the overwhelming feeling of not knowing what to do (or what they CAN do) without stepping on others’ toes, you’re in the right spot.


I can support you in a couple different ways.

Alicia Krasko Stepmom Coach Stepmom help Stepmom support Stepmom advice

The Stepmom Side Community

24/7 support when you need it. Filled with other stepmoms that understand what you’re going through

Alicia Krasko Stepmom Coach Stepmom help Stepmom support Stepmom advice

1:1 Coaching

Coaching for the stepmom who is ready for actionable advice and support so she she finds her confidence

Alicia Krasko Stepmom Coach Stepmom help Stepmom support Stepmom advice


For the stepmom looking to DIY her way through stepfamily stressors.

Here's how coaching works:


Select your coaching package and a date/time that fits your schedule. After you're booked in, I'll send you an initial questionnaire to complete. Please provide as much detail as possible. This helps me show up completely prepared-no time wasting!


On the call (waiting for your session is the hardest part!), I'll do a quick recap of your initial questionnaire to make sure I understand everything. I'll ask follow up questions and for more context.


We work through your stressors in real time, making sure to hit the goals you put in the initial questionnaire. You leave feeling validated, seen, and with a bit of a pep in your step. 


After the call, I send a follow up email to recap your coaching session. It’s not all about what you need to change-I add in what you’re doing well too! I remind you that even a small amount of progress is still progress.


10 Things I Wish I Knew

Ready for the wild ride of being a stepmom? Buckle up and learn the things I wish I would have known in my early years. Thank me later!

Alicia Krasko Stepmom Coach Stepmom help Stepmom support Stepmom advice Stepmom Resource

I never thought I would be a Stepmom Coach.

I was single and living my life and then, by chance, met my husband and soon realized that I had signed up for more than I bargained for. There’s nothing like starting a new relationship and having to deal with an ex and kids-it quickly became clear that this wasn’t going to be a “walk in the park”.

I operated in a very black and white world and, you know, that doesn’t work so well in the stepmom world. Needless to say, I struggled. More than I was willing to admit to anyone-myself included. Soon, I found myself googling “how to get divorced.” Even though I was crazy about my husband, I was not crazy about all of the other factors at play.

I spent countless hours googling “stepmom help,” “stepmom support,” and “what do I do if I hate being a stepmom?” and felt like none of the support really spoke to my situation: aviation, an age gap relationship, and a headstrong personality.

After coming to terms with gulp I needed help, we signed up for marriage counseling.

Lots and lots of tears (and checking my ego) later, things started to fall into place. I was now equipped with the tools I didn’t know I needed. I was able to regulate my emotions (who knew you could tame a hothead?). I was able to calmly, clearly articulate my needs, wants, and desires.

Lots and lots of tears (and Doing the work personally has helped me navigate my life as a stepmom much easier. Seeing how our relationship has turned out, I became obsessed with helping other stepmoms navigate this often lonely, isolating role. I’ve been able to help over hundreds of stepmoms and am excited to get that number into the thousands. No gatekeeping of stepmom success here!


Real Results from Real Stepmoms

Alicia Krasko Stepmom Coach Stepmom help Stepmom support Stepmom advice

I've helped 100's of Stepmoms.

I’ve helped stepmoms go from feeling “less than/insecure” to feeling confident in their role.

I’ve helped them find their voice and communicate (calmly/clearly) with their partners.

I’ve helped them learn how to let things go, not let the past creep in, not take things personally, get the ex “out” of their head, validated their feelings, feel less alone, and not crazy.


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